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Jan 13, 2010

JBoss Asylum 8 Shownotes

Recorded 8th January 2010

Music by Real Rice ( Licence Art Libre 1.3

Direct download: mp3 and ogg


Guests: Andrew Lee Rubinger (blog, @alrubinger), Red Hat and Aslak Knutsen (@aslakknutsen) from Conduct AS, Norway

In this late night episode Emmanuel has a confession concerning clustered Lucene indexes

The news are a compacted version of the massive number of releases did, at least known to us, in December and January

And finally we have Andrew and Aslak dropping in to talk about Embedded AS, ShrinkWrap and Arquillian - all ongoing prototype work to speed up and improve our unit and integration testing with EE application containers.

Both Max and Aslak had issues with their connection during this interview, so the audio quality is not perfect in places but we hope you will enjoy it anyway.


Release frency in December:

ESB 4.7, HornetQ 2.0.0.CR1, JBossOSGi-1.0.0.Beta5, Infinispan 4.0.0.CR3, JBossWS 3.2.2, GateIn 3.0.0 Beta 4, Riftsaw, jbpm 4.3. fully released.

Java EE 6 Approved.

Gavin King has a blog (

JBoss AS 6 M1 were released with preview support for Java EE 6 (

Embedded prototype mod_cluster, Jason's blog to learn more about our release strategy.

Cay Horstmann: JSF 2.0 and Tomcat ("get a real app server")

JBoss Tools 3.1 CR1

JBoss World and Red Hat summit call for papers



almost fifteen years ago

Fun times, boys.
