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Feb 1, 2010

 JBoss Asylum 9 Shownotes

Recorded 27th January 2010

Music by Real Rice ( Licence Art Libre 1.3

Direct download: mp3 and ogg



Guests: Bob McWirther, Red Hat (@bobmcwirther)


Short news:

Deadline extended for JBoss World to January 29th (


JBoss DNA renamed to ModeShape and relaunched (


IDEA 9.0.1 is out (


Sun/Oracle merge, finally and JavaOne stays: 



Upcoming talks:

Max speaking at EclipseCon, "Pimp your bugreport" and 

"How to write a framework plugin that does not suck!" 



Emmanuel at JSF World days (


Michael and Bob at Cloud Computing Forum (


Drools ( The Codehaus and Groovy history (

TorqueBox (