Max Rydahl Andersen (@maxandersen, blog)
Max is originally from Denmark, but the last years he lived and worked out of Neuchatel in Switzerland. He got involved in Hibernate in the early days, started working for JBoss and then got to work on JBoss Tools and Developer Studio, lately on Quarkus. Has a tendency to get too much email and read them all and at the same time read news about anything as an addiction.
Emmanuel Bernard (@emmanuelbernard, blog)
Michael lives and works in the Blue Mountains, Australia (just outside of Sydney). He is married and spends most of his time explaining things to his Daughter. He works for CloudBees, and you can contact him on the JBoss Rules mailing list, or via instant messaging. He is also in the #drools room in most of the time.
Michael Neale (@michaelneale, blog)
Michael lives and works in the Blue Mountains, Australia (just outside of Sydney). He is married and spends most of his time explaining things to his Daughter. He works for CloudBees, and you can contact him on the JBoss Rules mailing list, or via instant messaging. He is also in the #drools room in most of the time.